We Can.

About WE CAN - The Women’s Employability and Empowerment Programme.


The Women’s Employability and Empowerment Programme (WE CAN) is a transformative initiative aimed at improving the employability and empowerment of young women with disabilities. Spearheaded by Action Network for the Disabled (ANDY) in partnership with Able Child Africa, this project is generously funded by the British & Foreign School Societies (BFSS) for a period of two years.


WE CAN is dedicated to enhancing disability inclusion in vocational training and employment for youths with disabilities. Our mission is to equip these young women with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to thrive in the workforce and achieve economic independence.

Target Beneficiaries

Our primary beneficiaries are youths with disabilities, aged 18-30 years, within Nairobi County. Through our targeted efforts, we aim to directly impact the lives of 200 youths with disabilities, fostering an environment of inclusivity and opportunity.

Implementation Sites

The programme is being implemented at the following vocational training centers in Nairobi County:

  • Mathare Special Training Center

  • Bahati Vocational Training Centre

  • Waithaka Vocational Training Centre

Key Activities

Leadership, Mentorship, and Entrepreneurship Training

We are committed to developing the leadership and entrepreneurial potential of young women with disabilities. As part of this effort, 20 youths will receive specialised training designed to enhance their leadership capabilities and entrepreneurial skills.

Vocational and Employability Skills Development

Under the guidance of experienced mentors, our beneficiaries will receive comprehensive vocational training and employability skills. This mentorship aims to prepare them for various employment opportunities and entrepreneurial ventures.

Workshops and Capacity Building

Renowned business development leaders and relevant government officials will conduct workshops, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge. These sessions are designed to build the capacity of youths with disabilities, empowering them to improve their livelihoods and secure sustainable employment.

Our Commitment

WE CAN is more than just a programme; it is a commitment to breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive society. By focusing on the unique challenges faced by young women with disabilities, we strive to provide them with the tools and support needed to succeed in their personal and professional lives.

Join us in our mission to empower and uplift young women with disabilities. Together, we can create a future where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.