The ICCA Project.

The Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA) Project in Nyando Sub-County, Kisumu County, enhances inclusive governance, empowerment, and resilience. It aims to strengthen the adaptive capacities of persons with disabilities to environmental and socio-economic disruptions, promoting human rights.


Community Engagement and Mobilisation.

ANDY’s advocacy approach emphasises deep community engagement and mobilisation. By working closely with community members, including persons with disabilities, their families, and local leaders, the ICCA Project can ensure that the voices and needs of those most affected by climate change are heard and addressed.


Policy Influence and Partnerships

ANDY advocates for systemic change by influencing policy and building strategic partnerships. The ICCA Project can leverage these efforts to create a more inclusive policy environment that supports the resilience and adaptation of persons with disabilities.


Capacity Building and Empowerment

Empowering persons with disabilities and strengthening their capacity to advocate for themselves is central to ANDY’s approach. The ICCA Project can focus on building the skills and knowledge of individuals and organisations to enhance their advocacy efforts.

Shadrack Oyier is a Community Development expert with over twenty (20) years of practical experience in development programming and design. He is a project cycle management professional with skills in Monitoring and evaluation framework and donor compliant reporting. Shadrack is the Project Manager for the Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA) project implemented by ANDY in Nyando sub-county.